Butterfly Network

  • X-Ray Apparatus and Tubes and Related Irradiation Apparatus
  • Burlington, Massachusetts

Compensation history

Top executives at Butterfly Network received an average of $5M per person in annual compensation from 2019 to 2022.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Butterfly Network

By year


We found eight executives who work or worked at Butterfly Network.

Jonathan Rothberg

Butterfly Network

Chief Executive Officer

Todd Fruchterman

Butterfly Network

Chief Executive Officer

Heather Getz

Butterfly Network

Chief Financial Officer

Andrei Stoica

Butterfly Network

Chief Technology Officer

Stephanie Fielding

Butterfly Network

Chief Financial Officer

Stacey Pugh

Butterfly Network

Chief Commercial Officer

Darius Shahida

Butterfly Network

Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Business Development Officer

Laurent Faracci

Butterfly Network

Chief Executive Officer


About Butterfly Network

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Measuring, Analyzing, And Controlling Instruments; Photographic, Medical And Optical Goods; Watches And Clocks
      • Industry group
        Surgical, Medical, And Dental Instruments And Supplies
        • Industry
          X-Ray Apparatus and Tubes and Related Irradiation Apparatus

  • Address
    1600 District Avenue, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31

  • Former names
  • Longview Acquisition Corp.
    Until February 10, 2021
Source: SEC filings on April 28, 2023 and April 29, 2022.