Whole Earth Brands

  • Chicago, Illinois

Compensation history

Top executives at Whole Earth Brands received an average of $3M per person in annual compensation from 2020 to 2022.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Whole Earth Brands

By year


We found five executives who work or worked at Whole Earth Brands.

Albert Manzone

Whole Earth Brands

Chief Executive Officer

Duane Portwood

Whole Earth Brands

Chief Financial Officer

Jeffrey Robinson

Whole Earth Brands

President Mafco

Brian Litman

Whole Earth Brands

Chief Accounting Officer

Andrew Rusie

Whole Earth Brands

Chief Financial Officer


About Whole Earth Brands

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Food And Kindred Products
      • Industry group
        Sugar And Confectionery Products

  • Address
    125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1250, Chicago, Illinois 60606
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31

  • Former names
  • Act II Global Acquisition Corp.
    Until June 17, 2020
Source: SEC filings on April 28, 2023 and April 26, 2022.