Palladyne AI Corp.

  • General Industrial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere
  • Salt Lake City, Utah

Compensation history

Top executives at Palladyne AI Corp. received an average of $5M per person in annual compensation from 2020 to 2023.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Palladyne AI Corp.

By year


We found eight executives who work or worked at Palladyne AI Corp..

Kiva Allgood

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Executive Officer

Laura Peterson

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Executive Officer

Jorgen Pedersen

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Operating Officer

Andrew Hamer

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Financial Officer

Denis Garagi

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Technology Officer

Benjamin Wolff

Palladyne AI Corp.


Marian Joh

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Operating Officer

Fraser Smith

Palladyne AI Corp.

Chief Innovation Officer


About Palladyne AI Corp.

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment
      • Industry group
        General Industrial Machinery And Equipment
        • Industry
          General Industrial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere

  • Address
    650 South 500 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31

  • Former names
  • Sarcos Technology & Robotics Corp
    Until March 12, 2024
  • Sarcos Technology & Robotics Corporation.
    Until September 23, 2021
  • Rotor Acquisition Corp.
    Until September 15, 2021
Source: SEC filings on April 23, 2024, April 28, 2023, and May 13, 2022.