Adesto Technologies

  • Semiconductors and Related Devices
  • Santa Clara, California

Compensation history

Top executives at Adesto Technologies received an average of $749K per person in annual compensation from 2014 to 2018.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Adesto Technologies

By year


We found four executives who work or worked at Adesto Technologies.

Narbeh Derhacobian

Adesto Technologies

Chief Executive Officer

Ron Shelton

Adesto Technologies

Chief Financial Officer

Tom Spade

Adesto Technologies

Vice President, Worldwide Sales

Gideon Intrater

Adesto Technologies

Chief Technology Officer


About Adesto Technologies

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Electronic And Other Electrical Equipment And Components, Except Computer Equipment
      • Industry group
        Electronic Components And Accessories
        • Industry
          Semiconductors and Related Devices

  • Address
    3600 Peterson Way, Santa Clara, California 95054
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31
Source: SEC filings on April 30, 2019 and May 4, 2017.