Zoe's Kitchen
- Eating Places
- Plano, Texas
Compensation history
Top executives at Zoe's Kitchen received an average of $707K per person in annual compensation from 2013 to 2017.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Zoe's Kitchen
By year
We found six executives who work or worked at Zoe's Kitchen.
About Zoe's Kitchen
- Industry classifications
- DivisionRetail Trade
- Major groupEating And Drinking Places
- Industry groupEating And Drinking Places
- IndustryEating Places
- AddressC/o Sunil Doshi, 5760 State Highway121, Suite 250, Plano, Texas 75024
- Phone214-436-8765
- Fiscal year endDecember 31
Source: SEC filings on April 24, 2018, April 19, 2017, and April 19, 2016.