OP Bancorp

  • State Commercial Banks
  • Los Angeles, California

Compensation history

Top executives at OP Bancorp received an average of $640K per person in annual compensation from 2016 to 2023.

Average pay of disclosed executives at OP Bancorp

By year


We found five executives who work or worked at OP Bancorp.

Min Kim

OP Bancorp

Chief Executive Officer

Christine Oh

OP Bancorp

Chief Financial Officer

Sang Oh

OP Bancorp

Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer

Ihnsuk Bang

OP Bancorp

Executive Vice President and Chief Banking Officer

Steve Park

OP Bancorp

Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer


About OP Bancorp

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate
    • Major group
      Depository Institutions
      • Industry group
        Commercial Banks
        • Industry
          State Commercial Banks

  • Address
    1000 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, California 90017
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31
Source: SEC filings on May 16, 2024, May 12, 2023, May 13, 2022, and July 23, 2018.