Perma-Fix Environmental Services

  • Atlanta, Georgia

Compensation history

Top executives at Perma-Fix Environmental Services received an average of $331K per person in annual compensation from 2006 to 2023.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Perma-Fix Environmental Services

By year


We found 11 executives who work or worked at Perma-Fix Environmental Services.

Mark Duff

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

Chief Executive Officer

Ben Naccarato

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

Chief Financial Officer

Louis Centofanti

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

EVP of Strategic Initiatives

Andy Lombardo

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

EVP of Nuclear & Technical Services

Richard Grondin

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

EVP of Waste Treatment Operations

John Lash

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

Chief Operating Officer

Robert Schreiber

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

President of SYA

Jim Blankenhorn

Perma-Fix Environmental Services

Chief Operating Officer


About Perma-Fix Environmental Services

  • Address
    8302 Dunwoody Place, Suite 250, Atlanta, Georgia 30350
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31