Quantum Computing

  • Prepackaged Software
  • Leesburg, Virginia

Compensation history

Top executives at Quantum Computing received an average of $2M per person in annual compensation from 2020 to 2022.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Quantum Computing

By year


We found five executives who work or worked at Quantum Computing.

Robert Liscouski

Quantum Computing

Chief Executive Officer

Christopher Roberts

Quantum Computing

Chief Financial Officer

William McGann

Quantum Computing

Chief Operating Officer

David Morris

Quantum Computing

Chief Revenue Officer

Yuping Huang

Quantum Computing

Chief Quantum Officer


About Quantum Computing

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Business Services
      • Industry group
        Computer Programming, Data Processing, And Other Computer Related Services
        • Industry
          Prepackaged Software

  • Address
    215 Depot Court Se, #215, Leesburg, Virginia 20175
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31
Source: SEC filings on September 27, 2023 and August 12, 2022.