CFSB Bancorp

  • Savings Institutions, Federally Chartered
  • Quincy, Massachusetts

Compensation history

Top executives at CFSB Bancorp received an average of $344K per person in annual compensation from 2021 to 2024.

Average pay of disclosed executives at CFSB Bancorp

By year


We found three executives who work or worked at CFSB Bancorp.

Michael McFarland

CFSB Bancorp

Chief Executive Officer

Susan Shea

CFSB Bancorp

Chief Operating Officer

Kemal Denizkurt

CFSB Bancorp

Vice President of Financial Markets


About CFSB Bancorp

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate
    • Major group
      Depository Institutions
      • Industry group
        Savings Institutions
        • Industry
          Savings Institutions, Federally Chartered

  • Address
    15 Beach Street, Quincy, Massachusetts 02170
  • Phone
    (617) 471-0750
  • Fiscal year end
    June 30
Source: SEC filings on October 15, 2024, October 17, 2023, and January 13, 2023.