United Homes Group

  • Operative Builders
  • Chapin, South Carolina

Compensation history

Top executives at United Homes Group received an average of $3M per person in annual compensation between 2022 and 2023.

Average pay of disclosed executives at United Homes Group

By year


We found three executives who work or worked at United Homes Group.

Michael Nieri

United Homes Group

Chief Executive Officer

Jack Micenko

United Homes Group


Tom O'Grady

United Homes Group

Chief Administrative Officer


About United Homes Group

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Building Construction General Contractors And Operative Builders
      • Industry group
        Operative Builders
        • Industry
          Operative Builders

  • Address
    917 Chapin Road, Chapin, South Carolina 29036
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31

  • Former names
  • DiamondHead Holdings Corp.
    Until March 30, 2023
Source: SEC filing on April 4, 2024.