Akari Therapeutics Plc
- Pharmaceutical Preparations
- Boston, Massachusetts
Compensation history
Top executives at Akari Therapeutics Plc received an average of $1M per person in annual compensation from 2014 to 2023.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Akari Therapeutics Plc
By year
We found seven executives who work or worked at Akari Therapeutics Plc.
Rachelle Jacques
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Executive Officer
Wendy DiCicco
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Financial Officer
Torsten Hombeck
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Financial Officer
Gur Roshwalb
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Executive Officer
Dov Elefant
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Financial Officer
Clive Richardson
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Operating Officer
Pablo Jimenez
Akari Therapeutics Plc
Chief Medical Officer
About Akari Therapeutics Plc
- Industry classifications
- DivisionManufacturing
- Major groupChemicals And Allied Products
- Industry groupDrugs
- IndustryPharmaceutical Preparations
- Address22 Boston Wharf Road, Fl 7, Boston, Massachusetts 02210
- Phone(646) 350-0702
- Fiscal year endundefined 0
- Former names
- Celsus Therapeutics Plc.Until September 14, 2015
- Morria Biopharmaceuticals PLCUntil June 19, 2013
Source: SEC filings on June 3, 2024 and April 28, 2016.