Farmer Brothers

  • Northlake, Texas

Compensation history

Top executives at Farmer Brothers received an average of $683K per person in annual compensation from 2007 to 2020.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Farmer Brothers

By year


We found 29 executives who work or worked at Farmer Brothers.

D Maserang

Farmer Brothers

Chief Executive Officer

Christopher Mottern

Farmer Brothers

Chief Executive Officer

Scott Drake

Farmer Brothers

Chief Financial Officer

David Robson

Farmer Brothers

Chief Financial Officer

Scott Lyon

Farmer Brothers

Vice President, Controller and Treasurer Former Interim Principal Financial and Accounting Officer

Ronald Friedman

Farmer Brothers

Chief Human Resources Officer

Ruben Inofuentes

Farmer Brothers

Chief Supply Chain Officer

J Walsh

Farmer Brothers

Senior Vice President, GM - DVD


About Farmer Brothers

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Food And Kindred Products
      • Industry group
        Miscellaneous Food Preparations And Kindred

  • Address
    1912 Farmer Brothers Drive, Northlake, Texas 76262
  • Phone
    888 998 2468
  • Fiscal year end
    June 30