John Abbott
John Abbott received an average of $834K in total compensation, including $311K in salary, at Standex International from 2007 to 2012. John Abbott also received an average of $647K at MeetMe from 2007 to 2011.
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
Standex InternationalGroup Vice President Food Service Equip ment Group
MeetMeChief Executive Officer
Standex InternationalGroup Vice President Food Service Equip ment Group
MeetMeChief Executive Officer
Standex InternationalGroup Vice President Food Service Equip ment Group
MeetMeChief Executive Officer
Standex InternationalGroup Vice President Food Service Equip ment Group
MeetMeChief Executive Officer
Standex InternationalGroup Vice President Food Service Equip ment Group
MeetMeChief Executive Officer
Source: SEC filings on September 17, 2012, April 30, 2012, April 20, 2010, September 15, 2011, September 16, 2010, April 29, 2008, and September 18, 2007.
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