Walgreens Boots Alliance
- Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
- Deerfield, Illinois
Compensation history
Top executives at Walgreens Boots Alliance received an average of $9M per person in annual compensation from 2013 to 2022.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Walgreens Boots Alliance
- Salary
- Stock
- Options
- Non-Equity Incentive
- Bonus
- Change in Pension Value & NQDC
- Other
By year
- 2022
RB$17MRosalind G. BrewerChief Executive OfficerSP$8MStefano PessinaExecutive ChairmanOB$8MOrnella BarraChief Operating Officer, InternationalJK$7MJames KehoeExecutive Vice President and Global Chief Financial OfficerJS$7MJohn StandleyFormer Executive Vice President, WalgreensBoots Alliance, Inc. and President, Walgreens- 2021
RB$28MRosalind G. BrewerChief Executive OfficerJK$9MJames KehoeExecutive Vice President and Global Chief Financial OfficerAG$8MAlexander W. GourlayFormer Co- Chief Operating OfficerJS$8MJohn StandleyExecutive Vice President, WalgreensBoots Alliance, Inc. and President, WalgreensOB$8MOrnella BarraChief Operating Officer, InternationalJS$7MJames A. SkinnerFormer Executive ChairmanMP$4MMarco PagniFormer Global Chief Administrative Officerand General CounselSP$131KStefano PessinaExecutive Chairman and Former CEO
We found 14 executives who work or worked at Walgreens Boots Alliance.
Stefano Pessina
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Rosalind Brewer
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Chief Executive Officer
James Kehoe
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Chief Financial Officer
Ornella Barra
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Chief Operating Officer
John Standley
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Former Executive Vice President, WalgreensBoots Alliance, Inc. and President, Walgreens
Marco Pagni
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Chief Administrative Officer
Alexander Gourlay
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Chief Operating Officer
James Skinner
Walgreens Boots Alliance
Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Rosalind Brewer's 2022 pay falls 39% to $17M
December 8, 2022
Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Rosalind Brewer's 2021 pay jumps 293% to $28M
December 8, 2021
Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Stefano Pessina's 2020 pay slips 9% to $17M
December 8, 2020
Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Stefano Pessina's 2019 pay jumps 41% to $19M
December 10, 2019
Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Stefano Pessina's 2018 pay slips 8% to $14M
December 6, 2018
About Walgreens Boots Alliance
- Industry classifications
- DivisionRetail Trade
- Major groupMiscellaneous Retail
- Industry groupDrug Stores And Proprietary Stores
- IndustryDrug Stores and Proprietary Stores
- Address108 Wilmot Road, Deerfield, Illinois 60015
- Phone(847) 315-2500
- Fiscal year endAugust 31
Source: SEC filings on December 8, 2022, December 8, 2021, December 8, 2020, December 10, 2019, December 6, 2018, November 29, 2017, and December 9, 2015.