Medallion Financial

  • New York, New York

Compensation history

Top executives at Medallion Financial received an average of $1M per person in annual compensation from 2006 to 2022.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Medallion Financial

By year


We found 12 executives who work or worked at Medallion Financial.

Alvin Murstein

Medallion Financial

Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Murstein

Medallion Financial

Chief Operating Officer

Anthony Cutrone

Medallion Financial

Chief Financial Officer

Donald Poulton

Medallion Financial

Chief Executive Officer

D Haley

Medallion Financial

Chief Financial Officer

Larry Hall

Medallion Financial

Chief Financial Officer

Alexander Travis

Medallion Financial

President of Medallion Capital, Inc

Stephen Lewis

Medallion Financial

Senior Vice President of Medallion Capital, Inc


About Medallion Financial

  • Address
    437 Madison Ave 38 Th Floor, New York, New York 10022
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    December 31