Gritstone bio
- Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances
- Emeryville, California
Compensation history
Top executives at Gritstone bio received an average of $2M per person in annual compensation from 2017 to 2023.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Gritstone bio
- Salary
- Stock
- Options
- Non-Equity Incentive
- Bonus
- Other
By year
We found seven executives who work or worked at Gritstone bio.
Andrew Allen
Gritstone bio
Chief Executive Officer
Karin Jooss
Gritstone bio
Executive Vice President and Head of Research & Development
Erin Jones
Gritstone bio
Chief Operating Officer
Roman Yelensky
Gritstone bio
Chief Technology Officer
Raphael Rousseau
Gritstone bio
Chief Medical Officer
Jean-Marc Bellemin
Gritstone bio
Chief Financial Officer
Jayant Aphale
Gritstone bio
Former EVP of Technical Operations
Gritstone bio CEO Andrew Allen's 2023 pay jumps 29% to $3.4M
April 29, 2024
Gritstone bio CEO Andrew Allen's 2022 pay falls 25% to $2.7M
April 26, 2023
Gritstone bio CEO Andrew Allen's 2021 pay jumps 57% to $3.5M
April 28, 2022
Gritstone bio CEO Andrew Allen's 2020 pay rises 3% to $2.3M
April 23, 2021
Gritstone bio CEO Andrew Allen's 2019 pay jumps 32% to $2.2M
April 24, 2020
Gritstone bio Former EVP of Technical Operations Jayant Aphale receives $1.9M in 2018
April 26, 2019
About Gritstone bio
- Industry classifications
- DivisionManufacturing
- Major groupChemicals And Allied Products
- Industry groupDrugs
- IndustryBiological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances
- Address5959 Horton Street, Suite 300, Emeryville, California 94608
- Phone(510) 871-6100
- Fiscal year endDecember 31
- Former names
- Gritstone Oncology, Inc.Until April 23, 2021
Source: SEC filings on April 29, 2024, April 26, 2023, April 28, 2022, April 24, 2020, and April 26, 2019.