Amcor plc

  • Warmley, Bristol, United Kingdom

Compensation history

Top executives at Amcor plc received an average of $7M per person in annual compensation from 2020 to 2022.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Amcor plc

By year


We found five executives who work or worked at Amcor plc.

Ron Delia

Amcor plc

Chief Executive Officer

Michael Casamento

Amcor plc

Chief Financial Officer

Eric Roegner

Amcor plc

President, Amcor Rigid Packaging

Fred Stephan

Amcor plc

President, Amcor Flexibles North America

Michael Zacka

Amcor plc

President, Amcor Flexibles Europe, Middle East & Africa


About Amcor plc

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
      • Industry group
        Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries

  • Address
    83 Tower Road North, Warmley, Bristol, United Kingdom BS30 8XP
  • Phone
    44 117 9753200
  • Fiscal year end
    June 30

  • Former names
    Until October 11, 2018
Source: SEC filing on September 27, 2022.