- Plastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers
- Stamford, Connecticut
Compensation history
Top executives at Hexcel received an average of $3M per person in annual compensation from 2006 to 2021.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Hexcel
By year
- 2021
NS$10MNick L. StanageChairman, CEO and PresidentPW$3MPatrick J. WinterlichEVP and CFORH$2MRobert G. HennemuthEVP, Human Resources and CommunicationsGL$2MGail E. LehmanEVP, General Counsel and SecretaryTM$2MThierry MerlotPresident, Aerospace Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific and Industrial- 2020
NS$8MNick L. StanageChairman, CEO and PresidentBS$2MBrett SchneiderFormer President, Industrial and Global FibersCP$2MColleen PritchettPresident, Aerospace, Americas and FibersRH$2MRobert G. HennemuthEVP, Human Resources and CommunicationsPW$2MPatrick J. WinterlichEVP and CFOGL$1MGail E. LehmanEVP, General Counsel and SecretaryTM$1MThierry MerlotPresident, Aerospace Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific and Industrial- 2019
NS$9MNick L. StanageChairman, CEO and PresidentTM$2MThierry MerlotPresident, Aerospace Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific and IndustrialRH$2MRobert G. HennemuthEVP, Human Resources and CommunicationsPW$2MPatrick J. WinterlichEVP and CFOGL$1MGail E. LehmanEVP, General Counsel and Secretary
We found 12 executives who work or worked at Hexcel.
Nick Stanage
Chief Executive Officer
Patrick Winterlich
Chief Financial Officer
Robert Hennemuth
EVP, Human Resources and Communications
Gail Lehman
General Counsel
Thierry Merlot
President, Aerospace Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific and Industrial
Colleen Pritchett
President, Aerospace, Americas and Fibers
Brett Schneider
Former President, Industrial and Global Fibers
Wayne Pensky
Chief Financial Officer
About Hexcel
- Industry classifications
- DivisionManufacturing
- Major groupChemicals And Allied Products
- Industry groupPlastics Materials And Synthetic Resins, Synthetic
- IndustryPlastics Materials, Synthetic Resins, and Nonvulcanizable Elastomers
- AddressTwo Stamford Plaza, 281 Tresser Blvd., 16th Floor, Stamford, Connecticut 06901
- Phone203-969-0666
- Fiscal year endDecember 31
Source: SEC filings on March 23, 2022, March 25, 2021, March 22, 2019, March 17, 2017, March 17, 2016, March 19, 2015, March 20, 2014, March 14, 2013, March 24, 2010, and March 23, 2009.