Berkley W R
- Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance
- Greenwich, Connecticut
Compensation history
Top executives at Berkley W R received an average of $6M per person in annual compensation from 2006 to 2021.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Berkley W R
By year
- 2019
WB$11MWilliam R. BerkleyExecutive Chairman of the BoardWB$11MW. Robert Berkley, JrPresident and Chief Executive OfficerJS$2MJames G. ShielExecutive Vice President InvestmentsIL$2MIra S. LedermanExecutive Vice President and SecretaryLS$2MLucille T. SgaglioneExecutive Vice PresidentRB$2MRichard M. BaioExecutive Vice President Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
We found eight executives who work or worked at Berkley W R.
W Berkley
Berkley W R
Chief Executive Officer
William Berkley
Berkley W R
Richard Baio
Berkley W R
Chief Financial Officer
James Shiel
Berkley W R
Executive Vice President Investments
Lucille Sgaglione
Berkley W R
Executive Vice President
Ira Lederman
Berkley W R
Eugene Ballard
Berkley W R
Chief Financial Officer
Matthew Ricciardi
Berkley W R
General Counsel
Berkley W R Chairman William Berkley's 2021 pay jumps 41% to $14M
April 29, 2022
Berkley W R Chairman William Berkley's 2020 pay slips 10% to $10M
April 27, 2021
Berkley W R Chairman William Berkley's 2019 pay slips 8% to $11M
April 27, 2020
Berkley W R CEO William Berkley's 2009 pay slips 5% to $18M
April 8, 2010
Berkley W R CEO William Berkley's 2008 pay slips 20% to $19M
April 17, 2009
Berkley W R CEO William Berkley's 2007 pay falls 22% to $23M
April 25, 2008
Berkley W R CEO William Berkley receives $30M in 2006
April 6, 2007
About Berkley W R
- Industry classifications
- DivisionFinance, Insurance, And Real Estate
- Major groupInsurance Carriers
- Industry groupFire, Marine, And Casualty Insurance
- IndustryFire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance
- Address475 Steamboat Road, ., Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
- Phone2036293000
- Fiscal year endDecember 31
Source: SEC filings on April 29, 2022, April 27, 2021, April 27, 2020, April 19, 2018, April 6, 2017, April 15, 2016, April 20, 2015, April 7, 2014, April 8, 2013, April 8, 2010, April 17, 2009, April 25, 2008, and April 6, 2007.