American Woodmark
- Winchester, Virginia
Compensation history
Top executives at American Woodmark received an average of $1M per person in annual compensation from 2007 to 2022.
Average pay of disclosed executives at American Woodmark
By year
We found ten executives who work or worked at American Woodmark.
M Culbreth
American Woodmark
Chief Executive Officer
Paul Joachimczyk
American Woodmark
Chief Financial Officer
Robert Adams
American Woodmark
Senior Vice President Value Stream Operations
Teresa May
American Woodmark
Chief Marketing Officer
S Dunston
American Woodmark
Chief Executive Officer
R Campbell
American Woodmark
Senior Vice President Sales and Commercial Operations
Kent Guichard
American Woodmark
Bradley Boyer
American Woodmark
Former Senior Vice President Remodeling Sales and Marketing
About American Woodmark
- Industry classifications
- DivisionManufacturing
- Major groupLumber And Wood Products, Except Furniture
- Industry groupMillwork, Veneer, Plywood, And Structural Wood
- Address3102 Shawnee Drive, Winchester, Virginia 22601
- Phone(540) 665-9100
- Fiscal year endApril 30
Source: SEC filings on June 29, 2022, June 29, 2020, June 28, 2019, June 29, 2017, June 29, 2016, June 30, 2014, June 28, 2013, and July 12, 2007.