Edison International
- Electric Services
- Rosemead, California
Compensation history
Top executives at Edison International received an average of $4M per person in annual compensation from 2007 to 2019.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Edison International
- Salary
- Stock
- Options
- Non-Equity Incentive
- Change in Pension Value & NQDC
- Other
By year
- 2017
PP$10MPedro J. PizarroEIX CEO effective9/30/16; EIX Presidenteffective 6/1/16; SCEPresident throughRL$4MRonald L. LitzingerEEG President through12/29/2017; also EIXEVP throughMR$3MMaria RigattiEIX EVP and CFOeffective 9/30/16;SCE SVP and CFOthroughKP$3MKevin M. PayneSCE CEO effective6/1/16; SCE SVPthroughAU$2MAdam S. UmanoffEIX EVP and General CounselJM$2MJ. Andrew MurphyEIX SVP
We found 17 executives who work or worked at Edison International.
Pedro Pizarro
Edison International
EIX President and C E O
Maria Rigatti
Edison International
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Payne
Edison International
Chief Executive Officer
Adam Umanoff
Edison International
General Counsel
J Murphy
Edison International
Ronald Litzinger
Edison International
EEG President through12/29/2017; also EIXEVP through
Theodore Craver
Edison International
W Scilacci
Edison International
Chief Financial Officer
About Edison International
- Industry classifications
- DivisionTransportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Sanitary Services
- Major groupElectric, Gas, And Sanitary Services
- Industry groupElectric Services
- IndustryElectric Services
- Address2244 Walnut Grove Ave,, P O Box 800, Rosemead, California 91770
- Phone(626) 302-2222
- Fiscal year endDecember 31
- Former names
- SCECORPUntil January 12, 1996
Source: SEC filings on March 13, 2020, March 16, 2018, March 17, 2017, March 18, 2016, March 14, 2014, March 18, 2011, and March 12, 2010.