David O'Reilly
David O'Reilly received an average of $989K in total compensation, including $630K in salary, at O'Reilly Automotive from 2010 to 2021. David O'Reilly also received an average of $2M at Howard Hughes from 2016 to 2020.
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
O'Reilly AutomotiveExecutive Vice Chairman of the Board
O'Reilly AutomotiveExecutive Chairman of the Board
Howard HughesChief Executive Officer & Interim Chief Financial Officer
O'Reilly AutomotiveChairman of the Board
Howard HughesChief Financial Officer
O'Reilly AutomotiveChairman of the Board
Howard HughesChief Financial Officer
O'Reilly AutomotiveChairman of the Board
Howard HughesChief Financial Officer
O'Reilly AutomotiveChairman of the Board
Source: SEC filings on March 30, 2022, March 26, 2021, April 9, 2021, March 27, 2020, April 3, 2020, March 25, 2019, April 4, 2019, March 23, 2018, April 3, 2018, April 11, 2017, March 24, 2017, March 21, 2014, and March 22, 2013.
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Howard Hughes CEO David O'Reilly's 2020 pay jumps 329% to $4.9M
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Howard Hughes CEO David Weinreb's 2018 pay rises 2% to $7.3M
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