Eagle Materials

  • Cement, Hydraulic
  • Dallas, Texas

Compensation history

Top executives at Eagle Materials received an average of $2M per person in annual compensation from 2007 to 2022.

Average pay of disclosed executives at Eagle Materials

By year


We found 11 executives who work or worked at Eagle Materials.

Michael Haack

Eagle Materials

Chief Executive Officer

D Kesler

Eagle Materials

Chief Financial Officer

Robert Stewart

Eagle Materials

Executive Vice President – Strategy, Corporate Development and Communications

James Graass

Eagle Materials

General Counsel

Steven Wentzel

Eagle Materials

President - American Gypsum Company LLC

David Powers

Eagle Materials

Chief Executive Officer

Keith Metcalf

Eagle Materials

President, American Gypsum Company LLC

Steven Rowley

Eagle Materials

Chief Executive Officer


About Eagle Materials

  • Industry classifications
  • Division
    • Major group
      Stone, Clay, Glass, And Concrete Products
      • Industry group
        Cement, Hydraulic
        • Industry
          Cement, Hydraulic

  • Address
    5960 Berkshire Lane, Suite 900, Dallas, Texas 75225
  • Phone
  • Fiscal year end
    March 31

  • Former names
    Until January 25, 2004