Iron Mountain
- Real Estate Investment Trusts
- Boston, Massachusetts
Compensation history
Top executives at Iron Mountain received an average of $3M per person in annual compensation from 2006 to 2020.
Average pay of disclosed executives at Iron Mountain
- Salary
- Stock
- Options
- Non-Equity Incentive
- Bonus
- Other
By year
- 2020
WM$12MWilliam L. MeaneyPresident and Chief Executive OfficerBH$7MBarry HytinenExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerEC$4MErnest CloutierExecutive Vice President and General Manager, Global Records and Information ManagementDE$2MDeirdre EvensExecutive Vice Presidentand General Manager, Records and Information ManagementJT$2MJohn TomovcsikExecutive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer- 2019
WM$11MWilliam L. MeaneyPresident and Chief Executive OfficerEC$4MErnest CloutierExecutive Vice President and General Manager, Recordsand Information ManagementSB$3MStuart BrownExecutive Vice Presidentand Chief Financial OfficerPK$2MPatrick KeddyExecutive Vice President, Business Development and TransformationFR$2MFidelma RussoExecutive Vice President, Chief Technology OfficerJT$2MJohn TomovcsikExecutive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer- 2018
WM$11MWilliam L. MeaneyPresident and Chief Executive OfficerEC$3MErnest CloutierExecutive Vice President and General Manager, InternationalPK$3MPatrick KeddyExecutive Vice President and General Manager, North America and Western EuropeSB$3MStuart BrownExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerFR$2MFidelma RussoExecutive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer
We found 19 executives who work or worked at Iron Mountain.
William Meaney
Iron Mountain
Chief Executive Officer
Barry Hytinen
Iron Mountain
Chief Financial Officer
Ernest Cloutier
Iron Mountain
Executive Vice President and General Manager, Global Records and Information Management
Deirdre Evens
Iron Mountain
Executive Vice Presidentand General Manager, Records and Information Management
John Tomovcsik
Iron Mountain
Chief Operating Officer
Stuart Brown
Iron Mountain
Chief Financial Officer
Patrick Keddy
Iron Mountain
Executive Vice President, Business Development and Transformation
Fidelma Russo
Iron Mountain
Chief Technology Officer
About Iron Mountain
- Industry classifications
- DivisionFinance, Insurance, And Real Estate
- Major groupHolding And Other Investment Offices
- Industry groupMiscellaneous Investing
- IndustryReal Estate Investment Trusts
- AddressOne Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110
- Phone617-535-4781
- Fiscal year endDecember 31
- Former names
- IRON MOUNTAIN INC/PAUntil June 9, 2005
- PIERCE LEAHY CORPUntil February 16, 1999
Source: SEC filings on April 2, 2021, April 3, 2020, April 11, 2019, April 30, 2018, April 13, 2017, April 26, 2016, April 13, 2015, April 30, 2012, April 23, 2010, and April 30, 2007.