NextGen Healthcare
- Computer Integrated Systems Design
- Atlanta, Georgia
Compensation history
Top executives at NextGen Healthcare received an average of $2M per person in annual compensation from 2012 to 2022.
Average pay of disclosed executives at NextGen Healthcare
By year
- 2022
DS$16MDavid SidesPresident and Chief Executive OfficerSV$7MSrinivas VelamoorExecutive Vice President and Chief Growth OfficerJF$5MJohn R. FrantzFormer President and Chief Executive OfficerJA$4MJames R. Arnold, JrExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerDM$3MDavid A. MetcalfeExecutive Vice President and Chief Technology OfficerMW$2MMitchell L. WatersExecutive Vice President of Commercial Growth- 2020
JF$6MJohn R. FrantzFormer President and Chief Executive OfficerRF$6MRusty FrantzPresident and Chief Executive OfficerJA$3MJames R. Arnold, JrExecutive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerDM$2MDavid A. MetcalfeExecutive Vice President and Chief Technology OfficerJL$1MJeffrey D. LintonExecutive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
We found 17 executives who work or worked at NextGen Healthcare.
David Sides
NextGen Healthcare
Chief Executive Officer
James Arnold
NextGen Healthcare
Chief Financial Officer
David Metcalfe
NextGen Healthcare
Chief Technology Officer
Srinivas Velamoor
NextGen Healthcare
Executive Vice President and Chief Growth Officer
Mitchell Waters
NextGen Healthcare
Executive Vice President of Commercial Growth
John Frantz
NextGen Healthcare
Chief Executive Officer
Rusty Frantz
NextGen Healthcare
Chief Executive Officer
Jeffrey Linton
NextGen Healthcare
General Counsel
NextGen Healthcare CEO David Sides' 2022 pay jumps 338% to $16M
July 14, 2022
NextGen Healthcare CEO John Frantz receives $6.3M in 2020
July 7, 2020
NextGen Healthcare CEO Rusty Frantz's 2019 pay jumps 82% to $6.8M
July 3, 2019
NextGen Healthcare CEO Rusty Frantz's 2018 pay slips 12% to $3.8M
June 29, 2018
NextGen Healthcare CEO Steven Plochocki's 2014 pay jumps 21% to $682K
June 27, 2014
About NextGen Healthcare
- Industry classifications
- DivisionServices
- Major groupBusiness Services
- Industry groupComputer Programming, Data Processing, And Other Computer Related Services
- IndustryComputer Integrated Systems Design
- Address3525 Piedmont Rd., Ne, Building 6, Suite 700, Atlanta, Georgia 30305
- Phone404-467-1500
- Fiscal year endMarch 31
- Former names
- QUALITY SYSTEMS, INCUntil August 15, 2018
- QUALITY SYSTEMS INCUntil August 2, 2010
Source: SEC filings on July 14, 2022, July 3, 2019, June 29, 2018, July 1, 2015, and June 27, 2014.